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Aug 28, 2010

I'm Tired

Today wont be the day that I post about guitar, just chill-in out for a while. I don't really know why, bu I'm so damn tired today, when I woke up this morning, I felt an ounce pain on my back, maybe I was rolling around when I was asleep, haha. Enough talking, lets do our job. Wheres my guitar? oh, over there , I thought it went missing for a while. Normally, when I discussed about playing this magic instrument it's always about play it right. One of the most important thing to look at is how you hold the pick (must use pick). The position of the pick, the size, the thickness, and most important is how you used it. Technically, you may hold or use the pick at any size or position that you prefer, as long as it i comfortable and you enjoy when making the sound. But, some people that i met said we must used the pick according to the rule specifically. the position, the amount to be holding out and whatsoever, but from my experienced and the others, its best for you to performed when you are in the best and good condition which is you comfortable with it. Just do it on your own style, isn't that much better? My sifu thought me to hold it nicely and firmly, and I have my own style of using it. I like to switch the pick during playing the music, weird isn't it, but I've used t it and became my trademark, :P
P/S : use pick which came in medium size, its a common tools for every guitarist :D


Anonymous said...

I like to use the medium size too because it easy to get and bundled. :D

nadia said...

How did you switch the pick?
did you turned it around?

Alan D. said...

i spin it around, cool huh?

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