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Nov 7, 2010

Boo Hoo!!

Idk what to wrote, its been a while since I've update my blog, truly is I'm busy with my examinations,
and much less spend my time with guitar over here.. so I'm noob again about guitar , blablabla
 anyway, the exams is almost over and I can't wait for this upcoming holiday. Miss my family lol. mamamamama
kahkah, childish lah, not really how I reacts normally.
I don;t see any future regarding to this blog which is my blog, and so like everybody thinks that it is useless.
however, I might change that. because someone that I know introduce me with the 'blog' world and I'm gonna make it even more great, well see about that later.

The music-major guitar has a lot more to offer, so just be waiting, but maybe it will take some times, haha
whatever it is, I just wanna say thank you to that persons and for the people that have been supporting me for all these days, may god bless all of us.. until then, babaye and so long...

p/s: I'm playing normal song, I mean not a heavy one like I always do, just for this exams mood XP


nobody said...

heh! wowow..ade entri! goodgood lah!
Shoping2!! kehkeh XD

Alan D. said...

kahkah, tunggu entry ka dumdum, thank you you!!
shopahollic!! XP

nobody said...

tekejot tekejot! tiba tiba ade entry..HAHA..

Alan D. said...

ape yg ekao terkejotkan? gilak :D

nobody said...

Bhaha~ tekejot ade entry lah botak! XD

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